Press Release
LMI to Support Policy Management and Reporting for DoD Security Cooperation
LMI will assist the Department of Defense (DoD) in streamlining policy development and reporting for its security cooperation activities in support of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), with a total potential contract value of approximately $5 million.
Press Release
LMI to Continue Support of DLA R&D Efforts
LMI will continue supporting the Defense Logistics Agency by providing cutting-edge innovations to improve its technology and business processes. LMI will furnish support in the areas of planning, procurement, product quality, technical data, and data management.
Press Release
LMI and TCS Uncover Climate Risks to F-35, Announce Enhanced Climanomics Platform
Coastal flooding, temperature extremes, and storm damage could significantly disrupt the availability of facilities supporting the F-35 weapon system over the next 30 years, according to a joint analysis by LMI and The Climate Service (TCS).
Press Release
LMI Selected to Support the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy
LMI will support the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy by furnishing strategic planning, analysis, programming, and functional energy expertise. This award represents LMI’s first contract with this organization since the operational energy and installation energy offices and roles were combined.
Press Release
LMI Joins Digital Manufacturing Institute MxD
LMI has joined MxD, one of 14 national institutes sponsored by the federal government to strengthen American manufacturing competitiveness.
Press Release
LMI Awarded Larger Role Supporting Defense Acquisition and Sustainment
LMI will support defense officials who oversee acquisition, capability development, and lifecycle support of critical weapons systems.
Press Release
LMI to Support DARPA's Strategic Technology Office
LMI and partners will develop a testing and evaluation framework for DARPA’s LogX R&D prototype program.
Press Release
LMI Selected to Support Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation for Security Cooperation Programs
LMI will help establish an assessment, monitoring, and evaluation (AM&E) program for the Department of Defense.
Corrosion Research in DoD
According to Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 3110.05, it is DoD policy that all mission essential systems and equipment meet the National Military Strategy and be maintained for optimum mission capable status.