
Modernizing for the Mission

LMI is the partner ready to deliver modern capabilities for the mission.

  • Innovation at the Pace of Need™

    Secure, private, and trustworthy GenAI solutions

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  • What We Do

    Business & Digital Transformation

    LMI takes customers on a tailored digital transformation journey, ranging from small digital enhancements to enterprise-wide transformations. 

    More About Business & Digital Transformation
  • What We Do

    Mission Engineering

    Integrating modeling and simulation, supply chain engineering, wargaming, and more, LMI harnesses more than 60 years of cutting-edge innovation and experience to enhance capabilities and technologies in support of our customers’ most challenging mission requirements. 

    More About Mission Engineering
  • What We Do

    Lifecycle Management & Modernization

    LMI’s logistics management and modernization methods have improved customer outcomes for over 60 years by optimizing lifecycle system performance, affordability, and sustainment. 

    More About Lifecycle Management & Modernization
  • What We Do

    Supply Chain Resilience Solutions

    LMI’s public-sector experts in logistics bring over 60 years of experience helping organizations mitigate supply chain risks. Our in-depth understanding of supply chain and government operations combine to provide effective, practical solutions for reducing and managing risk and increasing resiliency. 


    More About Supply Chain Resilience
  • Insights

    Greatest Challenges for Making Effective Policy?

    Through the LMI Way of Policy, LMI has identified several key challenges at each stage of the policy life cycle to help guide organizations through these key issues, while avoiding predictable pitfalls along the way. 

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  • Insights

    Embracing Change: Overcoming Resistance in an Agile Environment

    Understanding the concept of change resistance in an Agile environment can help leaders overcome resistance and develop effective strategies to lead through change. 

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  • Human Capital Solutions

    Helping the Best Become Even Better

    While LMI strives to help each customer go further, pushing boundaries is literally the mission of one longtime customer, NASA. For nearly 20 years, LMI has supported NASA’s human capital (HC) function, delivering program management, change management, and ad hoc services to meet its needs. 

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Performance Portfolio

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) VCL provides 24/7 mental health and suicide crisis support for a growing number of Veterans and their loved ones. LMI has been tasked to help stabilize and modernize the technical and customer service reliability of this mission-critical project.

To ensure VCL works optimally and affordably, LMI uses its tailored MagnifyTM approach to give VA insight into the human factors that affect VCL’s services. Through LMI’s human performance assessments, human-centered design, and customer experience/user experience techniques, VA is better equipped to design new roles, responsibilities, processes, and technical architecture to help the call center succeed in its mission of supporting Veterans and their loved ones. 

As the VA Secretary’s customer experience insight engine, VEO enables VA to provide the highest quality customer experience in the delivery of care, benefits, and memorial services to service members, Veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors.

LMI works closely with VEO and other key stakeholders across VA to identify and design opportunities to enhance customer touchpoints. LMI uses its MagnifyTM approach to establish a customer research practice built on in-depth interviews with diverse populations of customers, both internal and external to VA, and employees. The team uses human-centered design and Six Sigma to assist VA in setting strategic direction, designing products and services, and establishing success metrics. 

The VA Office of Research and Development (ORD) is focused on increasing Veterans’ access to high quality clinical trials and increasing the real-world impact of VA research. 

LMI supports ORD’s vital medical research by providing logistical and non-scientific merit review support, which includes processing and evaluating applications for research funding, coordinating meeting logistics, ensuring compliance with federal regulations, and moving ORD to a cloud-based merit review system to increase efficiency. 

Using human-centered design techniques, LMI has enhanced information-sharing and improved merit review process operations, doubling the number of research applications processed. 

VA’s Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention (OMHSP) focuses on mental health services for Veterans and is dedicated to reducing the incidence of suicide among this high-risk group. LMI supports OMHSP’s Suicide Prevention Program through the following:

  • Database and dashboard enhancements and maintenance, undergirding VA clinical decision-making as they set national research agendas for suicide prevention
  • Program management best practices that optimize program implementation, business processes, standards, procedures, and program evaluation
  • Human-systems integration information through LMI’s MagnifyTM approach, which supports improvements in planning, education and training, policy design, and organizational transformation, among others
  • Project management support for the Human Capital Services Center
  • Mentorship for Management Program Support Services

LMI currently provides multifaceted support, including advisory services related to strategic transformation, policy reform, change management, and supply chain management. Through supply chain management support, LMI provides risk identification, risk management, process improvement, and organizational design resulting supply chain modernization. 

Zaki Saleh Headshot

Zaki Saleh

Sr. Vice President, Health & Civilian Market (571) 633-7780

Zaki Saleh

Sr. Vice President, Health & Civilian Market
Patrick Mahoney

Patrick Mahoney

Vice President, Military Health & VA Submarket (571) 287-3117

Patrick Mahoney

Vice President, Military Health & VA Submarket
Ryan Loving

Ryan Loving

Vice President, Business Development (703) 917-7232

Ryan Loving

Vice President, Business Development