Unlocking the Power of AI to Accelerate and Enhance Policy 

The digital landscape is rapidly evolving with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). Across the federal government, agencies are working to meet this watershed moment and unlock the rich potential and analytical power of AI. Activities like analyzing, managing, and accessing policy will benefit the most from applying AI.

Policy is the DNA of government and inherent to the execution of every agency’s mission. Regulatory agencies use policy to execute their missions, guiding and directing the American public. Service agencies use policy to direct employees and constituents to use products and services appropriately. Other agencies use policy to govern operations and behaviors to ensure safety, efficiency, and mission success. Regardless of industry, policy is essential to all agencies.

LMI has helped the federal government evolve operations, update policies and guidance, and execute mission success for more than 60 years. Combining our policy lifecycle framework with cutting-edge AI is radically transforming how our customers maintain and disseminate policy, increasing efficiency, improving decision-making, and accelerating mission success.

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Since its creation, LMI has brought policy expertise to a range of federal customers, leveraging tailored and technologically enabled solutions for the highest possible impact.
  • decorative ~ 75 %

    Reduction in time to update

  • decorative ~ 90 %

    Reduction in administrative burden

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    Years of experience in federal policy

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    Policy customers

The Challenge

Policy is never static. Constantly changing laws, court rulings, regulatory and executive actions, and emergent data require constant updates to policy and guidance. Meanwhile, libraries of policy, and the instructional and guidance documents that support them, are vast, dense, and difficult to keep updated.

LMI recognizes several critical challenges in maintaining policy:

  1. Policies and guidance documents are interconnected and interdependent. Changing one creates a ripple effect, requiring updates to many more.
  2. Policies are textual. To review and update policy requires investing many work hours to read hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of pages to analyze, summarize, and make decisions.
  3. Policies require meticulous and thorough review. Given their impact on American lives, policies must be rigorously assessed to ensure they achieve intended outcomes and avoid unintended outcomes.
  4. Policies can be difficult to access and comprehend. After determining the right policy language to implement, policy professionals and agency leaders must ensure federal employees and the American public can locate and understand the guidance and direction. 

Introducing LIGER™ for Policy

LMI empowers customers with LIGER™ for Policy, built on LMI’s GenAI platform, which accelerates and enhances the individual power of policy analysts and agency leaders. LIGER™ for Policy enables rapid analysis, generates language options for fast writing and editing, and empowers policy users with bespoke answers and training. LIGER™ for Policy lowers the barriers to updating policy and improves the impact of policy, process language, procedural direction, and other guidance for all federal agencies.

Here’s how LIGER™ for Policy works to enhance the power of each policy professional:

  • Collections 

    Unlike many AI-supported tools in the market, LIGER™ is designed for teams and collaboration. Policy professionals create their own central repository, a Collection, which can be modeled to support unique analytical tasks. An entire policy corpus can be uploaded to LIGER™, as can relevant materials for analysis, such as new laws and executive orders, studies and reports, court rulings, or public comments. Collections enable teams of policy analysts and decision-makers to compare, assess, investigate, and understand the interconnectivity of laws, policies, and relevant documents.

  • Chat 

    LIGER™’s easy-to-use chat feature acts like a digital augmentee, enabling policy analysts and policy users with a smooth and simple interface. For policy analysts, a dialogue with LIGER™ is like having a virtual clerk that can return summaries, identify language, and provide analysis in seconds. Chat can also be used by policy users, returning immediate answers to policy, process, or procedure inquiries. A chat function empowers everyone in an organization with the power to dialogue with GenAI as if it were a real person with a wealth of information and knowledge.

  • Citations 

    As users interface with LIGER™, they may want contextual understanding of various elements of policy or direction. LIGER™ provides users immediate context via the citation feature, which identifies the source of its information down to the page and sentence number. As a research tool, citations are invaluable, helping analysts discover surprising direction. Over time, language across a broad set of policies can become misaligned or even contradictory. Citations helps users find the source of information, making it easy for users to correct problems or dig deeper.

  • Generative AI 

    The GenAI capability in LIGER™ can accelerate critical tasks for policy professionals, including drafting new language options, summarizing dense language content, providing plain-spoken language options to replace jargon, and answering questions for users. LIGER™ GenAI enables users to rapidly develop new policy language.

  • Workflows 

    LIGER™ is equipped with workflows to automate tasks and rapidly accelerate work. Workflows provide clear, consistent, and automated directions to drive users through various routine tasks. For policy managers, workflows support compliance, quality, and consistency. For policy analysts and stakeholders, automated workflows can help at all levels of the policy development and drafting process. Through integrated GenAI, LIGER™ workflows become a force multiplier for policy teams.

As a multifaceted platform, LIGER™ accelerates policy work in numerous ways, enhancing policy assessment and deepening the insights and impact of policy. 

5 Use Cases to Enhance Policy Work Today

LMI has already begun leveraging LIGER™ for critical policy work with customers. Our initial five critical use cases reflect some of the most challenging and time-consuming tasks in policy:

  1. LIGER™ can be used to instantly identify connections between documents, including policy references, relationships to laws/regulations, and linkages to the process or instructional content that supports policy. Identifying these connections quickly and thoroughly enables policy professionals to ensure alignment and identify documents for update almost instantly.
  2. LIGER™ can compare individual documents or vast libraries to isolate language and find text that is that is duplicative, contradictory, or inconsistent. Comparison helps policy analysts immediately find the sections of text that need to be updated, a task that used to require reading hundreds or thousands of pages of text.
  3. LIGER™ can analyze reports and text, summarizing large bodies of information and returning answers to specific questions. Policy analysts can leverage LIGER™ to run scenarios, summarize and compare reports, and gain penetrating insight into vast document libraries, enhancing the quality of analysis while reducing the time needed to assess complex information.
  4. LIGER™ empowers users with the power to rapidly generate language, turning all policy writers into editors who can focus time where it counts. Language generation is a time-consuming task. LIGER™ dramatically reduces the time required by providing users clear, tonally consistent plain-language options.
  5. LIGER™ can answer inquiries and create bespoke material to enhance policy access, understanding, and compliance. LIGER™ is like the world’s fastest librarian, returning immediate answers to questions drawing on thousands of pages of customer information. LIGER™ makes it easier for users to find, understand, and follow the directions and guidance that policymakers painstakingly craft, amplifying impact and improving policy compliance. 

LIGER™ – The New Speed of Possible™

Milasy Mugnolo

Milasy Mugnolo

Vice President, Policy Analysis & Operations Meet Milasy

Milasy Mugnolo

Vice President, Policy Analysis & Operations

Milasy Mugnolo leads the policy analysis and operations subservice line, providing policy and operations expertise and analytics solutions to support policy transformation, program integrity, regulatory compliance, and improved outcomes.

Alex Adamczyk

Alex Adamczyk

Vice President, Advanced Analytics & AI Meet Alex

Alex Adamczyk

Vice President, Advanced Analytics & AI

Alex is LMI’s vice president of advanced analytics and AI, leading efforts to train data scientists, develop AI-based tools, and incorporate machine learning into government business processes.

Justin O'Neill

Justin O'Neill

Practice Area Lead, Policy Meet Justin

Justin O'Neill

Practice Area Lead, Policy

Justin leads the policy practice area for LMI's Policy Analysis & Operations subservice line, developing technology-integrated policy capabilities, including AI-enabled policy analysis platforms, and supporting customers with policy lifecycle transformation.