Chris Badorrek, PhD
Program Manager 2
Chris has deep expertise in the areas of process development and current goods manufacturing for vaccines and therapeutics; DNA, RNA, and protein chemistry and modeling; bacteriology; retrovirology; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive sensor and device development; and novel materials for detection of chemical analytes at trace (parts per billion and trillion) levels. He is well-versed in applicable guidelines from within the Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Defense technology acquisition and maturation, U.S. Food and Drug Administration application, U.S. Pharmacopeia, and the International Council for Harmonization. Chris has supported analytical and assay method development, qualification, and validation related to clinical, non-clinical, and chemistry manufacturing controls settings. He holds a PhD in biological chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Niemuth N.A, Rudge T.L., Jr, Sankovich, K.A.,Anderson M.S., Skomrock, N.D., Badorrek C.S., Sabourin C.L.,. Method feasiblity for cross-species testing, qualification, validation of the Filovirus Animal Nonclinical Group anti-Ebola virus glycoprotein immunoglobulin G enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for non-human primate serum samples. PLoS ONE, in press (2020)
Anderson M.S., Niemuth N.A., Sabourin C.L., Badorrek C.S., Bounds C.E., Rudge T.L., Jr. Interlaboratory comparison for the Filovirus Animal Nonclinical Group (FANG) anti-Ebola virus glycoprotein immunoglobulin G enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. PLoS ONE 15(8): e0238196 (2020).
Rusnak, J.M., Glass, P.J., Weaver, S.C., Sabourin, C.L., Glenn, A.M., Klimstra, W., Badorrek, C.S., Nasar, F., and Ward, L.A. Approach to Strain Selection and the Propagation of Viral Stocks for Venezualan Equine Encephalitis Virus Vaccine Efficacy Testing under the Animal Rule. Viruses 11, 807; doi:10.3390/v11090807 (2019)
Rudge, T.L., Sankovich, K., Niemuth, N.A., Anderson, M.S., Badorrek, C.S., Skomrock, N., Cirimotich, C.M., and Sabourin, C.L. Development, qualification, and validation of the Filovirus Animal Nonclinical Group anti-Ebola virus glycoprotein immunoglobulin G enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for human serum samples. PLoS ONE 14(4): e0215457 (2019).
ElSherif,, M.S., Brown, C., MacKinnon-Cameron, D., Li, L., Racine, T., Alimonti, J., Rudge, T.L., Sabourin, C.L., Silvera, P., Hooper, J.W., Kwilas, S.A., Kilgore, N., Badorrek, C.S., Ramsey, W., J., Heppner, G., Kemp, T., Monath, T.M., Nowak, T., McNeil, S.A., Langley, J.M., and Halperin, S.A. Assessing the safety and immunogenicity of recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus Ebola vaccine in healthy adults: a randomized clinical trial. CMAJ. 189 (24) E819-827 (2017)