Smart factory with connected infrastructure

Thank you for meeting LMI at the 2023 SAME Small Business Conference!

With increasingly tighter asset management budgets and the rise in regulatory policies impacting our facilities and infrastructure, the break-fix approach to asset management is no longer viable. LMI’s digital solution connects facility data with systems for a holistic lifecycle asset management approach with realistic work plans, highlighting deferred maintenance and incorporating energy and sustainability initiatives. 

Download the fact sheet to learn how LMI’s digital solutions aggregate your data for more effective facility management.

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  • Who We Are

    Sustainability at LMI

    LMI understands the growing recognition that every business needs to be sustainable. We're acutely aware of humans' impacts on the planet, increased pressure from stakeholders to address climate change and other anthropomorphic impacts, and the understanding that the long-term viability of humanity depends on the availability of finite and fragile natural resources.

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