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Innovation at the Pace of Need™

Showing 19 - 27 of 44
  • Bruce Kaplan Headshot
    Culture News

    Addressing Complex Problems

    During his 30-year tenure at LMI, Bruce Kaplan has used his expertise in defense logistics and research and development to help LMI and its clients succeed. With a strong commitment to innovation and exceeding customer expectations, Bruce has led efforts to modernize logistics through finding, developing, and pushing pioneering technologies. Learn about Bruce’s role as a logistics strategy and integration fellow and his plans to continue making a positive difference at LMI.

  • Futuristic Analysis with charts. Futuristic Financial Dashboard

    Driving Financial Excellence: Dashboarding for Strategic Insights

    Setting up a financial dashboard with LMI has greater benefits than following a trend. Our dashboards move your mission toward efficiency, clarity, and transparency.

  • blue and orange glowing circle
    Innovation at the Pace of Need™

    Forge™ Technology Studio: Prototypes

    Our prototypes are shaping the nation of next. From developing a wearable integrated sensor platform (WISP) that drives decision-making to shaping solutions that streamline supply chains like LogSmart™ Supply, our work at the edge of possible reimagines mission capability. 

  • people icons over a city skyline illuminated at night
    Innovation at the Pace of Need™

    Talent Ignite™

    Talent Ignite™ is an artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) powered talent management application with a suite of interoperable modules for deployment separately or in any combination to augment your human resource (HR) or talent management systems. 

  • abstract blue and orange lines glowing


    Our videos highlight our mission-advancing solutions as well as our values of leadership, mission focus, and innovation in practice in our interactions with the community. 

  • JFK and Robert McNamara
    Innovation at the Pace of Need™

    LMI History

    With a legacy of solving the government’s most complex challenges and an outcome-driven model to execute above expectation, LMI transforms missions with solutions that define the new speed of possible. 

  • Customer Experiences

    Three Steps Toward Creating Government Experiences That Put Customers First

    The increasing disruptions from modern technological advancements, social injustice, and geopolitical tide changes demand that government organizations double-down on customers’ experience to restore the prestige of our democratic institutions.

  • image of flame of innovation texture

    Thank You for Your Interest in LMI

     If you'd like to apply directly to a position, please click the link to search our open positions.