
Data & Analytics

Showing 37 - 45 of 86
  • Kristen Cheman
    Our Leadership Team

    Kristen Cheman

    As senior vice president of the intelligence market, Kristen combines subject matter expertise and leading-edge technologies to bring the best ideas and digitally enabled services to our customers.

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    Federating Data Management Through Data Mesh

    Shifting towards a Data Mesh implementation is as much, if not more, of a people and process transformation as a technology transformation.

  • technology
    Innovation at the Pace of Need™

    What We Do

    Supporting missions that have shaped the nation since 1961, we apply long-standing expertise to create sustainable solutions. 

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    LMI’s Derrick Spain: Technical Expert for WIC Program

    LMI’s end goal while supporting the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program and Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is to help our client reach their specific goals and ultimately improve health equity and the communities they serve.

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    Here’s How To Leverage Data for Health Equity

    In the U.S., race, socioeconomic status, and zip code predict life expectancy—we discuss how to build more equity into the healthcare system.

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    Why Hedging Is Essential for Resilient Supply Chains

    COVID-19 showed how just-in-time logistics and ultra-lean supply chains fail in times of uncertainty, compounding health risks and threats to national security. Hedging can help ensure that doesn’t happen again. 

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    Skills-Based Analytics Transform Hiring and Talent Management

    As an internal research and development project, LMI created the Human Capital Data Analytics platform to tackle the skills-forward nature of today’s hiring, retention, and resource allocation challenges. 

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    What We Do

    Performance Optimization

    Unlocking people’s full potential and using readily accessible data and technology to position organizations for long-term sustainability.

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    Serving the Underserved Through Better Data and Analysis

    Auditing agency data is a critical first step to improving access to services for underserved communities.